

The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) coordinates disability-related accommodations and services for PennWest Edinboro students with documented disabilities.

At the OSD, We're Ready to Help You

We work closely with each student to develop appropriate and reasonable accommodations.

In order to provide accommodations, we require that a student with a disability register with the OSD. It is the student's responsibility to request services in a timely manner. Professional personnel within the OAS will review documentation and provide an appropriate accommodation form for the student to share with faculty. The student with a disability is responsible for meeting all course requirements using only approved accommodations.

Our goal is to give every student with a disability equal access to the learning environment. Individualized accommodations are not designed to give the student an advantage over other students, to alter a fundamental aspect of the course, or to weaken academic rigor. The accommodations are meant to provide an equal opportunity for all students with disabilities to learn.

Classroom Accommodations

Testing Accommodations

*Under certain circumstances (i.e., course structure requirements) not all accommodations may be permissible by the professor.

Services for Students

Residence Life and Housing Accommodations for qualifying students

* These accommodations are based on residence hall romm availability.

OSD Self-Disclosure of Disability and Request for Accommodation Form

Contact Us

Office for Students with Disabilities
Crawford Center
200 Glasgow Road
Edinboro, PA 16444
Phone: 814-732-2462
Fax: 814-732-2866